Thursday, November 27, 2008


Mark just said it was a matter of time until the thing came crashing down. This morning, he was right. I awoke, opened the shutters like every other morning, and BAM! There it was. The cactus. Lying there in the middle of the street. Shattered open like humpty dumpty when he fell off his wall. 
We go for various runs, bike ride, and stroller cruises on any given day. We always walk down the street with the cactus. Mark ALWAYS ALWAYS goes out of his way to steer himself and the stroller (with Lulu intact) way way FAR around the cactus. For fear that it might come crashing down upon us one day. Every single time. I am telling you with no exaggeration that he does this every single day. Going from one side of the street to the complete other, just to make sure the cactus does not fall mid walk/run/bike ride. And of course I am always behind saying, "What in the world are you doing?" Or "Oh you and that cactus." Or, "Mark, are you serious? Like that thing is really going to fall." And then BAM, this morning, or sometime in the middle of the night the thing FELL DOWN. Roots and all. The entire cactus. Strewn across the asphalt, splattered open. Just like that. I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I saw it. Mark was rather in awe when I told him, except of course all he had to say was, "I knew it." And, "It was just a matter of time." 
For those of you who haven't caught up yet, the cactus is not only an actual event that occurred in my life, but also a very appropriate metaphor for my life. This leaning impending doom that was bound to explode upon my life at some point. And some point soon. Mark was right, it was only a matter of time.
 Always trying to steer clear of the cactus in order to avoid it and the mess it could bestow upon our lives. The cleanup that would incur for days possibly weeks after the fall. 
But it had to fall eventually. And I for one am glad that it did. It finally fell and now we can all move on. No more altering my path in fear of the towering shadow it cast. No more wondering when the thing would finally turn on us and perhaps crush us while innocently strolling  by. The cactus had become a part of our everyday life, but not necessarily one that was welcomed. Rather, a situation that was ever nagging. Always controlling the road. Now the cactus is gone, along with all the emotions. Goodbye cactus. You will not be missed.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

California Closets

Have you ever heard of this company called California Closets? I guess they come over and organize your closets. They haul their big white van with black bold lettering over to your house. Yes, they come to you. What? Did you think you would have to take your entire closet with all its contents over to them? Come on. They help you "de-clutter", and i'm sure they boast to "improve your life" with how "organized" they can make your closets. As if right when they leave, the shoes don't come out of their respective cubbies and right back onto the floor in mismatched procession. Like the shirts really stay color coordinated, from short to long sleeve, cotton to silks. Really? It's not the clothes and things in the closet that need organizing, it's your life. That's what it really means. This California Closet company makes their money off of people who are in need of a shrink, or personal assistant. These people need their unruly LIVES organized, not their sock and underwear drawers. 
However, I know when I get stressed I tend to organize. Whenever the heat turns on in my life, I turn to the linen, or the hallway closet. I start putting the books on the shelf in order from tallest to shortest. Bathroom magazines are sorted oldest to newest. Toys are put in the toybox according to what function they perform. Ex categories: Toys that make noises, Stuffed animals, stacking cups/nesting blocks, Soft crinkle books, etc... This is what I turn to when I am feeling stressed in my own personal life. I get down with organization. I suppose when I think about it, there could be worse outlets. I could smoke meth (or snort, or whatever it is the kids are doing these days), or become an alcoholic. I could take up smoking cigarettes, or online gambling. (I have tried to become a smoker at one point or another in my life, and it never seemed to stick. hmm).
Maybe these California Closet guys and gals don't have such a bad idea going after all. I've always wondered what it would be like to organize someone else's closet. Mark, my own husband, will not let me near his for some reason. At least I have Lulu who relies on me to keep her sweaters and pants all in a row. 
My point is when" the heat is on" (I love that song...Huey Lewis and The News), do whatever you can to keep your cool. Whatever it is that makes you feel good and keeps your life tolerable, manageable, and keeps you sane. If it means organizing garbage bags full of fall leaves by color, shape, and size, or even sorting National Geographics by faded yellow cover vs. bright yellow cover. Keep your inner peace this Holiday Season. Do what brings you joy and happiness. Don't let the past get you down or ruin your spirits.
 Keep those socks together by folding one over the other! This is what brings joy to my life. 

Friday, November 21, 2008


I think there are people that can be calm in the face of adversity and then there are those that lose control. I'm not sure which one of these I am. I think probably somewhere in the middle. When conflicts arise, which is bound to happen eventually whether we like it or not, I think it is how we DEAL with the aftermath rather than the actual content of the conflict, that makes a persons true character and colors shine through. In the eye of the storm, who will you decide to be?
 Some people get completely spun out of control and attempt to gain some of this control back by berating others, telling lies, poking fun at, and simply acting out in some way, shape, or form. I can't say at some point in time in my very own life have I not succumb to some of these very things. But I would like to think that as i get older, I learn and move ahead from my mistakes. For me, this is what life is about. I like to think that these things are behind me, in the past. I like to think for the most part I handle my conflicts with grace and dignity. Coming out with my head held high. 
I know that sometimes this may be hard to do. I have caught myself thinking of bad things to call the other person. Things that this person may have told me in confidence, now wanting to spread the news to the world. But holding my tongue (for the most part) instead. Knowing that lashing out comes with a price, and that fighting FIRE with FIRE only spreads more FIRE. 
These cliches are so trite. But they seem to really do the trick. Whoever made up these sayings must have lived a very long life. 
Conflict is something that many people are involved with daily. Some people even welcome this sort of life. A dramatic life perhaps. People creating drama to surround their lives. It makes them feel important, maybe like they matter in the world. Because if there were no drama to create chaos where would they be? Where would their specific place be in this gigantic world? So, some people choose to live a life filled with turmoil and chaos. Who am I to judge. 
I, on the other hand, prefer a more balanced and centered life. One free of chaos and drama, as much as possible. That is the kind of person I have worked so hard to become, and am still striving to be every single day. 
 I am no one to tell anyone how to handle their affairs, conflicts or personal matters. I am just someone learning and growing like everyone else, trying to handle themselves with respect and tolerance for others. 
But now, I am a mom. I have someone who looks up to me. Blackalicious said it best, "The only way to be a leader, lead by the way you live." I have never heard any words more profound in my life I think. I have to show Lulu that when you are in the face of adversity you must stand strong and not falter. You must go on and move ahead with your life as positively as your soul will allow. You need to make room in your heart and head for the light and not the dark. That conflict does not have to be something that sets you back, but something to learn from. Take something wonderful out of a seemingly terrible situation. The show must go on. 
Some people go on the only way they know how. The only way they were taught. To fight. To be sad. To let the drama and the chaos and the conflict consume their life. 
But not I. I will march on. I will break-dance and sing off key like it's nobody's business. 

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Lulu thinks her name is Yaya. We might have to legally change it. Oh Brother

More kids

This picture is sort of old. Hence the shirt indicating it was a time when Lulu was crawling. Needless to say those days are long gone. My crawler has turned into a walker, now a runner. Where does the time go? Today she is having grilled cheese and peas for lunch. WHAT? I remember breast milk and mushed carrots like it was yesterday. Now she says "BEER" when she opens the refrigerator door. Says, "POOP" every time she has gone to the bathroom. What happened when I blinked? Everything. That's what. 
Mark and I are now talking about number 2. (Kid).
There are very many reasons not to, and there are a few reasons that we see why we should. 
I'm not so convinced giving up my body and life for another 9 months. Wait, scratch that...2 years or so is going to be worth it again. Being pregnant is NOT the hard part. By any means, it's what comes after that are the trying times. I love Lulu more than I ever thought possible and am so happy I can hardly express with words. However, I always thought to be one of these people to stay single forever and probably never have kids. So the fact that I even have ONE is saying a lot for me. So that's what has been on my mind a lot lately. To kid, or not to kid...again? Is being an only child so bad after all? I cannot say as I have a sibling. Mark cannot aid in this decision process either because he has 2 other siblings. I guess time will have to be the decision maker on this one. And I suppose I will just have to look deep in my heart...for awhile. There is no need to be hasty in this decision I suppose. Although I don't want to wait too long. More on this subject later. Gotta go deal with what has my hands full for the time being. The one and only...Lulu. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The News

Sometimes you get news you like, sometimes you get news that you don't.
 Today the news comes in the latter format. Kicking you when you are down, I think the expression goes. 
Today we go on our family run as we do everyday. Dad joins us today...again. Lulu sits contently in the jogging stroller watching the world go by through untainted eyes, and an unscarred heart. Sometimes I wish I had the eyes of a child. To see people and the world without contempt or regret. To greet everyone with the innocence only a child has. But this is not the way it is. Not right now anyways. 
At least she naps regularly. When would I have time to talk to my blog, or jot down my feelings, or read the news?
Today I'm just feeling empty really. The past 9 days or so have been such a whirlwind of emotions that after the dust has settled, I am left feeling blah, and deflated. Like a bag of groceries that was once full and now has been emptied and thrown out the car window and run over a bunch of times. That is how I am feeling today.
I'm almost 99.9 positive that tomorrow will come with different feelings and a new outlook. At least that's what I hope for every night before my head hits the pillow. 
But I love my life and all the twists and turns that it holds. Because I am lucky to have this life. After all it is mine. No matter what. You only get one shot. I guess this is mine. 
Because as The Talking Head once said, "Once in a lifetime." 
As The Talking Heads once said, "Once in a lifetime."

Monday, November 17, 2008


Today i have bigger fish to fry. 
I have a 14 month old daughter who needs me to be up, composed, and ready for anything. 
I don't have time for the little things, as they say. 
Although I barely slept a wink last night...due to major uproar in the house the past week or so, I get out of bed dutifully at 7:00 am. Like the day before, and the day before that, and the day before that. 
Lulu eats her oatmeal, the entire bowl as usual. I try to sneak in a bite here or there, to say to my husband at least I ate SOMETHING. 
We go on our morning run. Which has become ritual, as everything else. Lulu begs to get in her stroller. That is her way of saying she is ready to go. She is ready to RUN! Oh yeah, like those fat legs do any running anywhere. We go on said run. Today Dad joins us because of how stressed everyone is. The exercise and outdoors makes us feel better. For awhile. Then the feelings come back.
Today I am feeling violated.
I feel violated sometimes by things that other people do. For instance, the nonsense that is going on right now in my household. Something other people have done to me and my husband, yet for some reason I feel accountable. I feel the need to explain. 
Other people should not have the right to get into your head and manipulate your thoughts. But they do.  
I have gone over and over and over said uproar over a hundred times in my head. I have decided it is time to let it go. It is beyond me and my control. Things that we hold onto destroy our creativity, our peace of mind, and our positive outlook. Today in my head, I move on from the chaos and the drama. I have to be strong for the family. My daughter and my husband both need me now more than ever. If I let them down, what kind of person would that make me? 
I realize that some things are beyond our control. We can only control our reaction to things, and how we move ahead from them.
Today, I have bigger fish to fry.