Tuesday, November 25, 2008

California Closets

Have you ever heard of this company called California Closets? I guess they come over and organize your closets. They haul their big white van with black bold lettering over to your house. Yes, they come to you. What? Did you think you would have to take your entire closet with all its contents over to them? Come on. They help you "de-clutter", and i'm sure they boast to "improve your life" with how "organized" they can make your closets. As if right when they leave, the shoes don't come out of their respective cubbies and right back onto the floor in mismatched procession. Like the shirts really stay color coordinated, from short to long sleeve, cotton to silks. Really? It's not the clothes and things in the closet that need organizing, it's your life. That's what it really means. This California Closet company makes their money off of people who are in need of a shrink, or personal assistant. These people need their unruly LIVES organized, not their sock and underwear drawers. 
However, I know when I get stressed I tend to organize. Whenever the heat turns on in my life, I turn to the linen, or the hallway closet. I start putting the books on the shelf in order from tallest to shortest. Bathroom magazines are sorted oldest to newest. Toys are put in the toybox according to what function they perform. Ex categories: Toys that make noises, Stuffed animals, stacking cups/nesting blocks, Soft crinkle books, etc... This is what I turn to when I am feeling stressed in my own personal life. I get down with organization. I suppose when I think about it, there could be worse outlets. I could smoke meth (or snort, or whatever it is the kids are doing these days), or become an alcoholic. I could take up smoking cigarettes, or online gambling. (I have tried to become a smoker at one point or another in my life, and it never seemed to stick. hmm).
Maybe these California Closet guys and gals don't have such a bad idea going after all. I've always wondered what it would be like to organize someone else's closet. Mark, my own husband, will not let me near his for some reason. At least I have Lulu who relies on me to keep her sweaters and pants all in a row. 
My point is when" the heat is on" (I love that song...Huey Lewis and The News), do whatever you can to keep your cool. Whatever it is that makes you feel good and keeps your life tolerable, manageable, and keeps you sane. If it means organizing garbage bags full of fall leaves by color, shape, and size, or even sorting National Geographics by faded yellow cover vs. bright yellow cover. Keep your inner peace this Holiday Season. Do what brings you joy and happiness. Don't let the past get you down or ruin your spirits.
 Keep those socks together by folding one over the other! This is what brings joy to my life. 

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